Voter-Search & Surveys– Election Awaaz
Voters can be searched and localized instantly using a Google-map based sophisticated query system, without going back to the age-old approach of searching them in thick Booklets of Printouts. Once a voter/house is located in the voter-list, going to its neighborhood voters is as easy as scrolling the list. Each voter can be surveyed and the PW can collect vital information.
This is going to initiate an ever-lasting journey of relationship with the Voter, who is to be treated as the “Survey-Surva”, or, the center-point of attention in this political system. Now we can automatically, track Who Surveyed, Whom, Where, When, and on What Questions and analyze on Map, Graphs and Trends…! Since such a system is being released for the First-Time, that too through a Mobile platform, is going to not only improve the much-needed levels of Transparency but is going to be the game-changer by creating a connected, participative and satisfied voter-base across the constituency…!